Ayurvedic Insights on Controlling Acidity

Ayurvedic Herbs for Acidity

Acidity is a familiar term in health discussions. Almost everyone has faced the occasional acid reflux. According to Ayurveda acidity stems from an imbalance of the Pitta dosha. This is a result of excess Hydrochloric acid, bile, and enzymes in the stomach. Accompanying this, the Agni or digestive fire has weakened. It manifests in the body through symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest, acid reflux, belching, and discomfort in the abdomen.

Acidity has various triggers. Some of them include lengthy meal intervals, zesty and spicy meals, post-meal lounging, stress, or even sleep deprivation. Intriguingly, acidity is commonly seen in individuals with a Pitta Prakruti (constitution), especially during the months of September and October.

As common as this condition is, there are multiple solutions Ayurveda offers ranging from home remedies and lifestyle changes to herbal medication.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acidity

Ayurveda presents us with a wide variety of herbs known for their acidity-relieving properties. Amla, Yashtimadhu, Ginger, Neem, Clove, Cardamom, Mint leaves, Cumin seeds, Cinnamon, Ajwain seeds, Dry Ginger, Fennel seeds, Asafoetida, Tulsi, and Shatavari – these wonder herbs can be found in our masala boxes and kitchens, standing ready to offer relief from acidity. These herbs are not just culinary delights but also powerful aids in managing acidity. Let’s explore some easy-to-make remedies using these kitchen treasures.

Cumin and Ajwain Tea:

These two spices, commonly used for tadka to add flavor to dishes, harbour additional benefits. Jeera seeds, with their natural carminative and digestive properties, aid in relieving acidity symptoms.

Grind cumin and ajwain seeds into a powder, add half a spoon to a glass of water, and boil the solution. After filtering, replace your regular water with this solution and consume it daily until you find relief. This simple yet effective remedy can become your go-to solution for acidity.


Found easily in the market, Amla can be consumed raw or in the form of juice. Its high fiber content, along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, helps reduce excessive acid production in the stomach. Embrace the power of Amla as a natural remedy to restore balance to your digestive system.

Ginger Tea:

Ginger, celebrated in Ayurveda for its versatile healing properties, aids digestion, and promotes the absorption of key nutrients. It acts as a shield against ulcers by increasing mucus secretion and reducing acid damage to the stomach lining. Prepare ginger tea using fresh or dry ginger powder boiled with a glass of water. This delightful tea not only soothes acidity but also enhances your digestive fire.

Balance the fire within by embracing these Ayurvedic remedies and let the healing power of nature restore balance to your digestive health. Nature’s pantry is indeed a gold mine of well-being waiting to be explored.

Unlock Relief with Sandu Medicines for Effective Acidity Control

Bhunimbadi Kadha

Sandu Bhunimbadi Kadha

An effective classical Ayurvedic remedy for hyperacidity that combines Kiraytatikta, Neem, Guduchi, and Amla to balance pitta dosha and boost appetite. Neem’s anti-inflammatory compounds reduce acid-forming enzymes, curbing excessive stomach acid. The fermented kadha ensures direct absorption into the bloodstream for optimal benefits and acts faster as compared to other medicines.

Suvarna-Sootshekhar Rasa

Suvarna-Sootshekhar Rasa

A classical Ayurvedic formula that proves effective in heartburn, chest pain, bloating, giddiness, and head heaviness. Infused with Suvarna Bhasma (gold ash) consisting of nano and colloidal gold particles, this ancient remedy pacifies increased pitta dosha and heals gastric acid-induced corrosion in the food pipe lining.



A herbal antacid in a palatable syrup-based formula, provides an alternative to Bhunimbadi Kadha without compromising effectiveness. Say goodbye to the bitter taste while enjoying the soothing benefits of this proprietary medicine. With ingredients like audumbar, manjistha, ela, and jeera, it provides pitta pacifying properties, delivering a soothing and cooling effect on the gut. The bioactive components in manjistha and audumbar aid in healing ulcers associated with chronic acidity.



An age-old remedy that eases burning sensations in the stomach and promotes smooth digestion. With rose petals and sugar as the main ingredients, it redcues heat from gastric acids. The addition of Praval (coral) to caramelized rose petals neutralizes acid with its alkaline nature, offering relief and aiding in detoxification.

Praval Pishti

Praval Pishti

A classical medicine crafted from praval, which is coral obtained from the sea-bed. Just like how an acid and alkaline solution neutralize to create water and salt, Praval – which exists naturally in an alkaline form, neutralizes excess acids in the stomach. This natural alkalinity helps relieve acidity, making Praval Pishti a beneficial remedy for those seeking relief from stomach acid-related discomfort.

Incorporate nature’s remedies into your routine for lasting acidity relief. From herbal teas to carefully formulated Ayurvedic medicines, natural solutions offer a gentle and effective way to balance digestive health. Further, you can add to these remedies Simple Lifestyle Changes to Manage Acidity to get enhanced results.

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