**Perhaps time’s definition of coal is the diamond

– Khalil Gibran**

The term ‘Yoga’ can be interpreted as ‘to unite with the real’ & ‘separate oneself from the unreal’. It also means to have discipline. We can say that the discipline of Yoga is not limited to but extends across all three elements leading to physical, mental and spiritual well being.
At the molecular level coal and diamonds are nothing but Carbon. But in coal these carbon is mixed with other impurities and not the molecules are arranged randomly. Whereas in Diamonds due to pressure the carbon molecules are more structured and uniformly placed. So the 8 branches of yoga (see. fig) are a means to achieve this unity within.
In the human equivalent to coal, the impurities can range from materialism, unruly emotions, desires, insecurities, etc. Following the rules as enumerated by the yoga sutra could lead towards a sense of self realization or awareness .
Yoga has come a long way today. Recognized by the WHO and celebrated across the world on the 21st of June world over.  Yes,  we can say that Yoga and Ayurveda does have the world in its grip and thrall.

At one point in time ‘Yoga’ was a means to attain Salvation or Moksha. The scenario today is different and is changing every moment. Currently, we are utilizing a small part of Ashtanga yoga for rehabilitative and restorative purposes. It has become a way to tackle weight concerns, mobility issues, rejuvenate and more. To be more precise it is now more body focused than spiritual, inspiring hashtag trends, challenges and other social media storms. But we also need to look deeper into what it is trying to tell us. It is an opportunity to recognise the universe that is you with its own unique complexities, understand how it operates  and have control on your mind. 
Human nature as we are well aware always prevails. Yet again we find that we are taking what we want for ourselves with the commercialization of yoga that is so prevalent today. In this way it is losing its purpose and we have become trapped into exactly what ‘Yoga Sutras’ teach us to be free from. This again leads to ‘Dukha’.
While practicing the yoga asanas if we try to practice some of its teachings then even in its simple & humble  form ‘Yoga’ itself will be enough.
**Better to complete a task well, than to do much imperfectly – Plato**
#Internationalyogaday #Yoga #Sandupharma #Ayurveda #Sayyestoayurveda #asana
Article By
Dr. Madhuri Bhogan (MD AYU)
Research Associate

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