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What natural herbs are used in Bhunimbadi Kadha?

Sandu Bhunimbadi Kadha contains Kiratatikta - a pacifier of pitta dosha which is anti-inflammatory in nature and promotes wound healing. It comes with the goodness of Neem, Guduchi, Amalaki which further add to its digestive effects. It helps provide relief from hyperacidity-related complaints, heaviness of abdomen, bloating, nausea and constipation.

What is Sandu Bhunimbadi Kadha?

Sandu Bhunimbadi Kadha is a classical Ayurvedic medicine for hyperacidity and related problems. Being a good digestive it neutralizes excessive gastric acids in the stomach thus helping provide relief from hyperacidity related complaints. Due to its anti-inflammatory action it helps to reduce inflammation. Triphala and Guduchi help to neutrilize gastric acid and have protective properties. Neem acts as an appetite enhancer and gives relief from nausea and vomiting.

How is sandu Bhringajeevani different from similar medicines available in the market?

Sandu Bhringajeevani is an Ayurvedic hair tonic specifically designed to help stimulate the growth of hair follicles and promote healthy hair. It is an Aasav which means the medicine is fermented and contains self-generated alcohol. This ensures faster absorption into the bloodstream compared to other dosage forms. Bhringajeevani has cardiotonic and anti-stress properties that help improve blood circulation making it an excellent medicine for stress-related hair loss. Further, each batch of ingredients is tested for its quality and only the best quality ingredients under strict hygiene conditions are used to make Sandu medicines.

Will consuming Bhringajeevani have any side effects?

Bhringajeevani Ayurvedic tonic for hair is safe and effective as long as taken under the guidance of an Ayurvedic Physician. We strongly advise against self-medication practices and recommend consulting with your physician for an in-depth evaluation.

What natural herbs are used in Bhringajeevani?

Bhringajeevani ayurvedic hair tonic contains all Keshya Dravyas (ingredients beneficial for hair growth according to Ayurveda) such as Bhringaraj, Tvak (Cinammon), Sukshmaila, Haritaki etc. As the name suggests, the key ingredient in Bhringajeevani is Bhringaraj, which is a herb used since ancient times to treat hair-related concerns. Bhringaraj has also been clinically proven to have phyto-constituents which are responsible for hair growth.

What is Sandu Bhringajeevani?

Sandu Bhringajeevani is an Ayurvedic hair tonic that is great for your hair health. It helps with regrowth, promotes better blood circulation in your scalp, and makes your scalp healthier. It also slows down the greying process and has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that can help reduce dandruff. Sandu Bhringajeevani is a one-stop solution for all your hair problems such as hair fall, dandruff, and even different types of baldness.

How Vigour and Vitality is improved in men with Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an age old science which g ives us basic principles of balancing not only the three doshas of the body but also the doshas of mana. Todays hectic lifestyle and culture has resulted in the imbalance of these doshas that affects the Oja (Vital escence ) of the body. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to tackling this issue by addressing the root causes of imbalance, restoring harmony and balance within the human body. Taking a diet according to one prakriti and consuming a nutritious diet is the key to enhancing the vigor and vitality in a person along with Stress Management and Panchakarma therapies

Which natural herbs are used for Ayurvedic Vigour and vitality tablets

Natural ingredients such as Kaunch, Safed Musli, Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Gokshura, etc. play a vital role in helping you achieve improved vigour, vitality. Most of these herbs have adaptogenic and rejuvantive properties. They help nourish all the vital tissues of the body. You may find all these ingredients incorporated in Sandu Vimfix an Ayurvedic non-hormonal vitalizer beneficial for improving overall wellness. It is an excellent tonic that improves and stimulates the central nervous system.

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