Continues to add Feathers to its Loaded Cap
Ayurveda and Ashwagandha alliterate well. No wonder Ashwagandha enjoys its pride of place in Ayurveda. Used by the native populations since time immemorial, it is reputed for its restorative powers. Ashwagandha literally means “the smell of a horse.” It is supposed to impart the vigour and strength of a stallion and has been traditionally prescribed to help people strengthen their immune system post-illness. It is often referred to as “Indian ginseng” because of its rejuvenating properties (although botanically, ginseng and Ashwagandha are unrelated). In addition, Ashwagandha is also used to enhance sexual potency in both men and women.
Belonging to the same family as the tomato, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a plump shrub with oval leaves and yellow flowers. It bears red berries about the size of a grape. Its specific name somnifera, also tells us something about its sleep-inducing, relaxing and calming properties that boosts energy by seeding deeper rest. The herb is native to the dry regions of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East, but today is also grown in more mild climates, including in the United States.
The scientific literature on Ashwagandha mentions the following benefits:
· Supports sustained energy levels, strength and vitality including physical activity.
· Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
· Improves learning, memory and reaction time
· Confers immune system protection
· Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
· Reduces brain-cell degeneration
· Promotes respiratory health
· Combats the effects of stress
· Stabilizes blood sugar
· Has rejuvenative nature

Yet another research throws light on the role of Ashwagandha in the management of COVID-19 . In a particular study, it was observed that men with symptomatic COVID-19, with low testosterone, were more likely to become severely ill and die from the disease. This study was carried out in Milan during the first wave of coronavirus in 2020 and the findings were presented at the European Association of Urology congress, EAU21, July 8-12.2021. It is widely known that Ashwagandha boosts testosterone levels, and therefore, it is highly recommended in the treatment of COVID-19.
In nutshell, Ashwagandha is: बल्या रसायनी तिक्ता क्षयापहातिशुक्रला !!
Sandu Offers the Ashwagandha advantage in many products including Stresan, Vimfix, Shishuvin, Sandu Ashwagandharishta, Sandu Makarprash, Sandu Saraswatarishta, etc.
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