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My Medi Blog

Ayurveda Is Here To Stay Forever!!

Ayurveda Is Here To Stay Forever!!
Did our ancient seers know that Ayurveda will be “talk of the world” in 2021? The answer is surely, a resounding yes!! Our ancient seers very confidently talked about ever-modern nature of Ayurveda. The ancient seers were very confident about the soundness of the principles of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, the human body is a miniature universe! The concept of TRIDOSHA, i.e. of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are the functional elements of the body, is based on the Wind, the Sun, and the Moon respectively! Eternal nature of the Wind, the Sun and the Moon ensures the eternity of Ayurveda!! According to Ayurveda, strong defence system is the strong and sound balance of Tridosha, the functional elements of the body.
For millennia, Ayurveda evolved through a process of scientific enquiry involving communities and societies. The scientific knowledge was created by an interchange of information between patients, physicians and researchers. Teachers would pass their wisdom, updated with this scientific inquiry and application of their own learnings to their students in an interactive manner, through what was called as the Guru-Shishya tradition. There are no limitations to the knowledge of Ayurveda, continuous growth is its nature. Also, there is no limit for knowing the Science of Ayurveda. Various Tadvidya Sambhasha, Scientific conferences are described in Charaka Samhita, the ancient book of Ayurveda.
We realize the importance of Ayurveda, when we hear about the Nobel Prizes in Medicine or Physiology awarded in the current decade. From 2015 to 2020, all Nobel Prizes, confirm the authenticity of some or other basic Ayurveda principle, be it of fasting or Circadian Rhythm!
Globally, the world is in favour of Ayurveda, the most ancient Health Science now enjoys unprecedented world patronage. We should strive the most so that Ayurveda gets its rightful place as a mainstream medicinal system.
Our beloved Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi said, ‘Ayurveda could rightly be described as a holistic human science. The current situation presents a right time for traditional medicine to become even more popular globally’, while inaugurating the fourth edition of the Global Ayurveda Festival 2021. Here, he was referring to the current situation of CORONA pandemic. Corona pandemic has underlined the importance of strong defense mechanisms, strong immunity.

It is necessary that scientific communities reach out to Translational Knowledge Systems available locally. Let us all work towards our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of 'Vocal for local should become mantra for every Indian!!

By being vocal about Ayurveda, we make it “GLOBAL”, the rightful status it deserves.

The meaning of Ayurved


The word "ayurveda" is Sanskrit: आयुर्वेद, Ayurveda, meaning knowledge of life and longevity. The central theoretical ideas of Ayurveda developed in the mid-first millennium BCE, and show parallels with Sa?khya and Vaise?ika philosophies, as well as with Buddhism and Jainism.

Ashwagandha Continues to add Feathers to its Loaded Cap


Continues to add Feathers to its Loaded Cap

Ayurveda and Ashwagandha alliterate well. No wonder Ashwagandha enjoys its pride of place in Ayurveda. Used by the native populations since time immemorial, it is reputed for its restorative powers. Ashwagandha literally means “the smell of a horse.” It is supposed to impart the vigour and strength of a stallion and has been traditionally prescribed to help people strengthen their immune system post-illness. It is often referred to as “Indian ginseng” because of its rejuvenating properties (although botanically, ginseng and Ashwagandha are unrelated). In addition, Ashwagandha is also used to enhance sexual potency in both men and women. 

Belonging to the same family as the tomato, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a plump shrub with oval leaves and yellow flowers. It bears red berries about the size of a grape. Its specific name somnifera, also tells us something about its sleep-inducing, relaxing and calming properties that boosts energy by seeding deeper rest. The herb is native to the dry regions of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East, but today is also grown in more mild climates, including in the United States.

The scientific literature on Ashwagandha mentions the following benefits:

·         Supports sustained energy levels, strength and vitality including physical activity.

·         Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness

·         Improves learning, memory and reaction time

·         Confers immune system protection

·         Offers anti-inflammatory benefits

·         Reduces brain-cell degeneration

·         Promotes respiratory health

·         Combats the effects of stress

·         Stabilizes blood sugar

·         Has rejuvenative nature

 Yet another research throws light on the role of Ashwagandha in the management of COVID-19 . In  a particular study, it was   observed that men with symptomatic COVID-19, with low testosterone, were more likely to become severely ill and die from the   disease. This study was  carried out in Milan during the first wave of coronavirus in 2020 and the findings were presented at the   European Association of Urology congress, EAU21,  July 8-12.2021. It is widely known that Ashwagandha boosts testosterone levels,   and therefore, it is highly recommended in the treatment of COVID-19.

In nutshell, Ashwagandha is: बल्या रसायनी तिक्ता क्षयापहातिशुक्रला !!

Sandu Offers the Ashwagandha advantage in many products including Stresan, Vimfix, Shishuvin, Sandu Ashwagandharishta, Sandu Makarprash, Sandu Saraswatarishta, etc.

Ashoka The Ayurvedic Way To Female Fertility!

Ashoka: The Ayurvedic Way To Female Fertility!

We see that Ayurveda and Ayurvedic  Medicines have been gaining global recognition  with medical professionals all over recognising its effectiveness in treating and preventing health ailments. This natural form of medicine is fast becoming the go-to solution for most individuals as ailments and health problems have seen an unprecedented rise. We are starting to realize that the global health crisis can be fought with resorting to natural solutions.

One very prevelant health problem is regarding women’s health especially, female infertility. Our modern life-style adversely affects the hypothalamus, a region of the brain, the seat of emotions, which regulates the nervous system and pituitary gland. When the hypothalamus does not communicate properly with the pituitary gland, both male and female infertility can be affected. Imbalance in the regulation of reproductive hormones by the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland or problems in the ovary can cause various menstrual and ovulation disorders. It is always preferable to treat these conditions with natural remedies because hormones do have number of side-effects.

One such natural remedy used widely in Ayurvedic treatments is Ashoka, also known as, Saraca indica. Translating to mean ‘without sorrow’, this herb offers a multitude of health benefits that can treat and prevent a variety of illnesses while boosting one’s health. It restores the the functions of hypothalamus, thus restoring HPO (Hupothalamus-Pitiutary-Ovarian) balance, a balance which is very critical in female reproductive health.

Ashoka is well-known for its beneficial effects on the female reproductive system.

Some of the important benefits of Ashoka/ Saraca indica include:

Boosts women’s health:

The properties of this herb have been used to boost women’s reproductive health since ancient times. It is known to strengthen the uterus and stimulate ovarian function. In some cases, it can also help treat infertility and be used to manage uterine problems such as endometriosis. All this is due ti its balancing effects on the hypothalamus.

Prevents diabetic complications:

An increased number of young adults are suffering from elevated levels of blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes. Not only is this condition detrimental to health in itself but can also result in a number of complications over time. The Saraca indica herb helps prevent the occurrence of this condition in the people susceptible and also manages it better if already present. The anti-oxidant properties reduce oxidative stress caused by elevated sugar levels which can further reduce the risk for diabetic complications to the heart and other organs. It also reduces the build-up of LDL cholesterol in the body reducing the risk of clogged arteries and associated ailments. And in women, diabetes  can complicate ovulation and make menstrual cycles scanty, irregular or absent.

Blood purifier:

Toxins in the blood can result in a number of problems, especially skin disorders. Blemishes, rashes and even skin allergies can be caused by toxins in the body. Ashoka works wonders as a blood purifier and helps the body get rid of unwanted toxins thereby reducing their harmful effects. Skin conditions have been known to witness a marked decrease with regular use of this herb. The anti-bacterial properties found here further speed up treatment and also help with skin infections.

The Saraca indica herb possesses numerous benefits in addition to those listed above to promote good health without any harmful side-effects.

It would be very appropriate to end this blog with the following piece of revelation.

Title of the recently published stuy is: “Restorative Effects of Saraca Indica Methanolic Bark Extract on Levonorgestrel Affected Reproductive Cycle and Hormone Levels in Female Albino Rats.”


From the present study, it may be assessed that Saraca indica bark extract has its  potency to restore the alterations in cyclicity and reproductive hormone level caused by this synthetic contraceptive.

No wonder that the Sandu product Ashoka Compound comes with multifarous benefits restoring scintillating female reproductive health!!

Why Whisper?

The world all over recognizes and celebrates valentine day but a significantly important day ie. February 12th gets overshadowed. Originally adopted by Canada, Sexual & Reproductive Health Awareness Day is now celebrated in many countries. In India, The National Population Stabilization Fund (Janasankhya Sthirata Kosh) a helpline was started to give counseling services & immediate answers on sexual and reproductive health. If every girl and woman in our country was aware of Menstrual hygiene, contraceptives, etc measures such a helpline would have been redundant. But the reality is far from ideal. The need for awareness and availability of menstrual hygiene in the rural and not so urban parts of our country gave birth to legends such as Padman.  'Padman' Shri Arunachalam Muruganantham revolutionized an entire village from wearing around sanitary napkins to inventing a machine that manufactures them at  affordable prices. 

In India a simple packet of sanitary napkins is wrapped around in a newspaper and put in a black polythene bag on occasions.


Periods is such a topic that is neither spoken of freely nor is the word ‘period’ said openly in public or in family settings. It is usually referred to in codes, whispers and indirect speech. Having a monthly cycle should never be a stigma in the minds of young adolescent girls. It is the misconceptions regarding periods that still in rural areas many adolescent girls dropout from colleges.

As you know Ayurveda is dominantly based on maintaining the balance of doshas in the body. The do’s and don’ts mentioned are from the point of view of healthy progeny. Ayurveda also specially recommends ‘Rajswala charya’ i.e. regimen for women to follow during period times.

Apana vayu is essentially important for the normal functioning of menstruation & any physical activity done during menstruation may hamper this function and lead to imbalance in the cycle.

Even a healthy menses has a downfall as we see loss of Blood / Oja or vital energy that is lost during this time. ‘Rajswala paricharya’ provides a routine that won’t hamper the balance of doshas and ease the complaints experienced during this phase.

  • It is important to note that lack of menstrual hygiene can result in various infections and even infertility. Reproductive infections also increase susceptibility to cervical cancer.
  • Ayurveda also says the same as along with faulty diet habits, hygiene and incorrect lifestyle practices are responsible for aggravation of Vata dosha leading to female reproductive system disorders.
  •  As Acharyas have considered menstruation as a mirror of reproductive health, any abnormality in the cycle is seen as an indicator of pathology.
  • If you are experiencing any complaints related to your menstruation such as painful menses, irregularity, mood swings, fatigue, irritability etc; we have Ashoka Compound, Sandu Ashokarishta, Sandu Patrangasav to deal with these. 

Today, we have various options available in the menstrual hygiene segment. So it is necessary to use whatever menstrual hygiene product you are comfortable with & follow healthy hygiene practices. Along with educating the girls early on, the boys should also be informed about this recurring episode. Sensitization is necessary as both genders are equally responsible for taking the generation forward.

Awareness of & access to sanitary napkins is a part of maintaining good menstrual hygiene as well as an important right when it comes to Reproductive health of women. So the next time you are out there getting what you need don’t shy away. So, Stayfree !

#SexualAndReproductiveHealthAwarenessDay #SayYesToAyurveda #SanduPharma #Ayurveda #MenstrualHygiene

Article By:

Dr.Madhuri Bhogan (MD AYU)

Research Associate

This (dis) harmony with Spring

Nature is the only one constant in this world which is in harmony with itself. As it follows its course smoothly & without fail. Except us humans who fail to follow through thus suffer from various disorders.

Everyone knows the story of the two cats fighting for delicious cream but ended up not getting any in the end. The smart culprit of this story was the monkey who used their discord for his benefit. Similarly the imbalance caused in our bodies due to inappropriate lifestyle and dietary habits create a window of opportunity. We don’t really have to tell you what opportunity & for who, right?

You know well by now what Pinda Brahmanda nyaya is. Here's a hint: Homeostasis. What's more? While discussing Immunity or Bala in Ayurveda classics the Acharyas have mentioned Kalaj Vyadhi i.e diseases occurring as per age and seasonal variations.

If the body is unable to adapt itself to stressors due to changes in specific traits of seasons, it may lead to aggravation of doshas, which in turn may render the body highly susceptible to one or other kinds of disorders. Ritucharya is an important part of preventive measures described in our classics. The word Ritu means to go. It is the form in which nature expresses itself in a sequence in particular and specifically in forms like the seasons.

So, saying see you again soon to winter we are now welcoming Spring or Vasant Ritu. Spring season is the time of new opportunities and beginnings. With the start of uttarayan the sun now moves towards the north. As a result of the heat produced the kapha accumulated in the previous ritu (Shishir/ winter) gets liquified. This causes diminished digestive fire and gives rise to various disorders. All activities suggested as a routine are those which alleviate kapha dosha.

  • In the schematic you will find what habits and diet are beneficial during this season.
  • Additionally, honey mixed with water is beneficial during this season. As it not only enhances immunity but also has a protective effect in the body, from maintaining a healthy balance of gut microbiota to exerting an antimicrobial, antiviral effect.
  • In this attempt, Sandu Chyavanprash Special & Makarprash will definitely ensure an immunity boost.
  • But by any fluke of nature you do end up with cold, cough, allergies etc we offer Vasa Cough Syrup, Sandu Sitopaladi churna, Corysan at your service.

Harmony makes small things grow, Lack of it makes great things decay- Sallust

This spring, let us sow seeds of healthy lifestyle and bask in its bloom in days to come. The choice is with you to choose This harmony over dis-harmony.

# SayYesToAyurveda # Vasantritucharya  #Spring #SanduPharma #healthylifestyle #SeasonalRegimen #Ayurveda

Article By:

Dr.Madhuri Bhogan (MD AYU)

Research Associate

In Ayurveda, as there is a daily regimen or routine recommended, there is also a seasonal regimen. The reason is as simple as it gets-

As our external environment changes our body’s internal environment also gets affected. ‘Ritucharya’ (seasonal regimens) mentioned in Ayurveda was devised depending on the movements of the Sun. They are nothing but adaptation techniques so our body can maintain homeostasis at all times. This time period of ‘Makar Sankranti’ is the celebration of ‘Uttarayan’ - Uttara ( North) and Ayana (Movement) of the Sun. It provides us with best quality sunlight to restore the bodies Vit D reserves that the body can utilize up to a year. The food prepared and indulged in during this time also reflects this thought.

 When we talk about the ‘Faral’ of Diwali season or the ‘Tilgul ladoos’ of Makar sankranti we are enriching our bodies to have good stores of energy and immunity for the year ahead.

 Let us understand this using the perfect example of Makar Sankranti. This day forward we often find large quantities of freshly prepared Tilgul ladoos in our homes.As our external environment changes our body’s internal environment also gets affected. ‘Ritucharya’ (seasonal regimens) mentioned in Ayurveda was devised depending on the movements of the Sun. They are nothing but adaptation techniques so our body can maintain homeostasis at all times. This time period of ‘Makar Sankranti’ is the celebration of ‘Uttarayan’ - Uttara ( North) and Ayana (Movement) of the Sun. It provides us with best quality sunlight to restore the bodies Vit D reserves that the body can utilize up to a year. The food prepared and indulged in during this time also reflects this thought.

When we talk about the ‘Faral’ of Diwali season or the ‘Tilgul ladoos’ of Makar sankranti we are enriching our bodies to have good stores of energy and immunity for the year ahead.

Let us understand this using the perfect example of Makar Sankranti. This day forward we often find large quantities of freshly prepared Tilgul ladoos in our homes.       

Thus, it acts as an appetite enhancer and digestive. It helps to lower bad cholesterol and inflammation. The Ayush Ministry also recommends using sesame oil for nasal instillation (Nasya) and oil pulling (Gandusha) as immunity promoting measures.

So just, imagine what this combo, together, does to your body. 

  • Packed with nutrients, tilgul ladoos provide support to our musculoskeletal system and keep joint troubles away as the cold environment affects joints and muscles also.
  • This is the coldest period of the winter season so they help in generating heat in our bodies.
  • Til and Gud make the perfect combination like an energy bar, which not only satisfies the Digestive fire but also balances the doshas and enhances our immunity.
  • It is also beneficial in keeping the skin and hair nice and soft during this cold and dry season.
  • Not only Tilgul but also Chikki, Gulachi poli, etc, serve the same purpose. 

Some of the Best things come in small packages.’ Tilgul ladoos’ are perfect examples.

So, it's good to remember in the back of our minds, this Makar Sankranti we are not exchanging just sweets but - health and positivity for the rest of the year ahead.

For more information watch our #SAYYESTOAYURVEDA series on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. You can also visit our official website under Ayurveda: The Science of Life for more videos.

Article By: Dr.Madhuri Bhogan (MD Ayurveda)

Calling a timeout on worms

The pandemic has reinforced the importance of hand washing and hygiene. The frenzy of washing our hands for exactly 20 seconds had taken us over & still has us in its grips. Why does it take us a wakeup call such as this one to take a simple act of washing hands seriously. You all must be aware of the ads for any hand wash where they show germs on hands and the tagline from one of those ads ‘Saboon se hath pure 1 min tak dhone chahiye’.

Why are all these ads centered around kids? It's because we know how unruly & fussy kids can be. This growing age is where they are most active and rough with their playing and games. They tend to neglect hand washing & hygiene so that they don’t miss out on the fun.

Hand washing is just one of the facets of preventing worm infestations in children and adults. 10th February has been designated as National deworming day by the government to tackle the problem of worm infestations in growing children specifically. This is an important issue that needs to be addressed as chronic worm infestation can lead to anemia and malnourishment, which has negative effects on mental and physical development in growing kids.

There are a variety of worm infestations mentioned in modern textbooks. But the concept of worms or krimi is bigger in Ayurveda. Our Vedas were so ahead of their times that some concepts still can't be explained by modern science. Purishaj krimi, Kaphaj krimi, Raktaj krimi and Bahya Krimi  are described as per their origin. Not only are the various krimi described in detail but their treatment is also explained with equal attention.

Ayurveda mentions the following 3 Step Treatment module:

Guidelines as per the Govt. to follow:

It is also best to avoid raw or uncooked food, vegetables & red meat.  Always wear footwear outsideas certain worms can enter through open wounds. Although for adults, consciously following hygiene rules might come easy but when it comes to kids they follow by example so consider this  whenever around kids. But the real challenge is getting this message across to each and every individual. So, spread the word!

Here at Sandu Pharmaceuticals, we offer Sandu Vidangarishta, Sandu Khadirarishta, Sandu Krimivikar Kadha, Sandu Krimikuthar Ras to aid in the mission of making sure no child or adult suffers from worm infestation. Along with this ajwain, garlic, hing, tulsi, vidang (vavading) are also some helpful herbs to control this disorder. Along with proper medical care and personally being aware and responsible, worm infestations can be easily prevented.

With Ayurveda as our companion nothing is impossible!

#SayYestoAyurveda #Deworming #Ayurveda #Krimivikar #Childhealth #SanduPharma #NationalDewormingDay

Article By:

Dr.Madhuri Bhogan (MD AYU)

Research Associate

Arjuna Eyes the Endothelium and Not the Eye of the Bird

Arjuna Eyes the Endothelium and Not the Eye of the Bird!!

Well, this Arjuna is not the Arjuna of Mahabharata, who said, “I can only see the eye of the bird.” Here, Arjuna is the medicinal plant, which is widely known as cardioprotective herb or heart medicine. Acharya Charak and other seers identify Terminalia arjuna as the best amongst the Cardioprotectives.

Modern sciences have identified the endothelium as the main target for effective CARDIOPROTECTION!  Endothelium is  the innermost lining of the blood vessels, arteries. The  endothelium is body's largest endocrine organ. This vessel lining is 5 times the size of the heart in mass and 6 times the size of a tennis court in area. Keeping the endothelium in sound health is the sole objective of any cardioprotective treatment.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of the blood vessels, is the main pathological factor in the causation of the heart diseases. Atherosclerosis is a complex process in which fats accumulate in the large arteries. Over time, the arteries become thick and hard, which makes heart diseases more likely. It is interesting to know that atherosclerosis is mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts; धमनीप्रतिचय (dhamanipratichaya) is the Sanskrit word for atherosclerosis. The remains of ancient human populations, mummies also prove the presence of atherosclerosis in ancient times.

The vessel wall is an active, integrated organ composed of three separate layers: intima, media and adventitia. The endothelial cells are very specialized, metabolically active cells and not only guard  the internal surface of blood vessels but also are responsible for regulation of blood flow to critical organs, called as brain, heart and kidneys, the त्रिमर्म of Ayurveda.

In fact, the normal vascular endothelium is taken as a gatekeeper of cardiovascular health! It plays very critical role in maintenance of  cardiovascular health by regulating blood fluidity and fibrinolysis, vascular tone, angiogenesis, monocyte/leukocyte adhesion, and platelet aggregation.

The disturbed endothelium, endothelial dysfunction,  results in hardening of the blood vasculature which further leads to hypertension, dyslipidemia, inflammation and thrombosis. These abnormalities result in generation of excessive free radicals causing oxidative stress (OS), this OS further damages the endothelium and the vicious cycle continues, as shown in the diagram.

To break this vicious cycle, the WHO recommends certain Lifestyle Modifications  to prevent heart diseases, for example regular physical exercise, not eating too much food, moderate use of fat, sugar and salt in food. The aim of these lifestyle modifications is  to improve endothelial function.

There are number of modern published scientific articles on cardioprotective nature of Terminalia arjuna. Arjuna does have  a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action and reverses impaired endothelial function. It prevents LDL cholesterol oxidation and reduces  atherogenic lipid levels. It also improves cardiovascular health by controlling the  autonomic nervous function. This herbal drug with multiple beneficial effects without causing side effects can modulate the existing treatment strategies.

Visionary seers called Arjuna as the leader of हृद्य, CARDIOPROTECTIVE medicines!!  Arjuna achieves स्रोतसां प्रसादनम् (healthy endothelium)and therefore, it is the best cardioprotective.

Sandu Products containing Arjuna are: Arjunarishta, Balant Kadha No 3, Ashwagandharishta, and Tab Debix.

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