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Sandu Suvarnamalini Vasat Ras

Ayurvedic Tablets for Enhancing Immunity

Benefits of Suvarnamalini Vasant Rasa

  • Classical Ayurvedic medicine prepared by using suvarna bhasma. Helps in increasing the immunity.
  • Beneficial in case of chronic fevers.
  • Helps to energise during the recovery period after chronic illness.
  • Nourishes all seven dhatus and improves strength, and vitality (oja).
  • Helps in increasing the immunity.

1,230.00 Inc. GST

About Suvarnamalini Vasant Rasa

Suvarnamalini vasant rasa is an Ayurvedic Medicine and is mainly sheeta veerya and madhur rasa and madhura vipaka in nature hence acting as rasayana, Ojovardhaka. The main contents of Suvarna Vasant malti rasa are Swarna, Shuddha Hingula, Kharpara, as well as Mukta bhasma which is one of the main ingredients as it increases oja and helps increasing innate as well as adaptive immunity. Swarna acts as Rasayana and has yogavahi properties that in turn increases the oja of the body. Gold particles helps in maturation of dendritic cells and activates t-cell immunity as well as the activation of B cells. Both adaptive and innate immunity are increased. It also provides a rejuvenating effect on the dhatus and has anabolic effects. hence increasing the Vyadhikshamatwa and showing immunomodulating effect on the body.

Suvarnamalini Vasant Rasa Dosage: 1 tab 2 times a day or as directed by the Physician.

Weight N/A

20 Tab, 8 Tab

Suvarna Bhasma (Gold) Mouktika Bhasma (Pearl) Marich (Black Pepper)


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