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Sandu Makardhvaja (10 Tabs)

Ayurvedic Tonic for Overall Health

  • - Improves general health and Saptdhatuvardhak
  • - Improves neuro-muscular tone
  • - Boosts immunity and possesses antioxidant properties
  • - It scavenges free radicals responsible for early ageing symptoms like early greying of hairs, wrinkles, etc.

570.00 Inc. GST

Sandu Makardhvaja improves general health and Saptdhatuvardhak. It is an excellent appetizer and improves neuro-muscular tone. It boosts immunity and possesses antioxidant properties, scavenges free radicals responsible for early ageing symptoms like early graying of hairs, wrinkles etc. 

Relieves: Improves concentration, cognition, and memory.

Directions: 1 to 2 tabs 2 times a day.

Weight 350 g
Gold Gandhak (Shuddha) Aloe vera


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